Thursday 11 April 2013

Curry Powder in India And its Benefit’s

Most of the people are confused that what curry powder is often some thought that it is a spice or some recipes. But it is mixed of spices, berries and herbs including chills, coriander, cinnamon, mace, seeds. Turmeric, mustard seed etc. Basically curry powder used to flavoring for dishes that can be wet or dry.  This is mostly used in south India but now spreading over in the India.

Indian People add some curry powder in their dishes along with some other spices to enhance their fragrance and relish.

Curry Powder in India has a very different flavor due to fetching and some sweet spices. Fetching spices like turmeric, mace, cumin while sweets like clove, cinnamon. Mixed of those entire spices make your dishes tasty and charming.

Curry Powder has used all over the years its used in stews, Sauces, meat and vegetables. There are also many health benefits of curry powder (mix of spices). Due to mixed of spices their give lot of health befits, research show that using of turmeric it prevent swelling of joints. In addition, many other diseases like cancer, curcumin in turmeric may hold powerful and assuring anti cancer benefits.

Curry powder is invention by the British during the nineteen and twenty century. Curry powder become very popular in British in end of nineteen century after that It spread around the world.

Curry powder loses its acridity so you can’t use it longer, despite this you can use curry 3 months, and it should be stored.

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